How I am Becoming a Software Engineer

29 Aug 2017

Sowing the Seeds of Curiosity

Growing up; my childhood was filled with inquiry about how the world worked. Why did people do evil things? How does the Television work? Are the current policies in place the most efficient or most effective? I would ask many questions to my parents, teachers, and even to myself. This curiosity is probably why I am extremely interested in the scientific world. Although I never got past the hypothesis step with my personal inquiries, from physics to biology, the scientific method would be the corner stone to carry my curious nature into the future.

The Freshmen Wall

Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to take a Software Engineer Course in high school and even in my college career it took me a while to consider enrolling in one. But finally, in the fall of 2013 I impulsively enrolled in the Introduction to Computer Science class and struggled immensely. Every concept, assignment, or syntax had me wondering why I ever took this class, but my curious nature kept wanting to understand more about programming. So, I studied, researched, emailed, and queried until I could visualize these new theoretical concepts.

Pursuit of Knowledge

Fast forward, a dozen Computer Science courses later, at the time this short essay is written, I feel a lot more confident than I did back in ICS 111. I’ve had a couple of part time jobs one dealing with the University network and the other with the Records office’s database. Both solidifying the concepts learned in my classes, and yet only adding heat to my motivation to learn more about technology. What is so intriguing to me about technology, especially the software part, is that it is applicable to all industries. Everything is being converted to a digital version or being hooked up to the network. It is a never-ending struggle to continue to evolve as fast as the technology is, thus making life a continuous journey for Knowledge.